World’s Fastest AI Supercomputer

World’s Fastest AI Supercomputer : Meta is Building One by Mid 2022

Meta has unveiled its new AI Research SuperCluster (RSC), a supercomputer designed specifically for AI research. The supercomputer in question has been under development for the past two years, and Facebook hopes that with the new supercomputers, they will be able to produce powerful AI software with advanced capabilities. Something that could be beneficial for recognizing less-than-pleasant content, such as hate speech. Here we will feature a news article on this named World’s Fastest AI Supercomputer : Meta is Building One by Mid 2022 at our site.

“With RSC, we can more swiftly train [AI] models that employ multi-modal signals — for example, to grasp the context of a post, including language, visuals, and tone,” said Shubho Sengupta, a software engineer at Meta, in a statement to a news site about the supercomputer.

Supercomputers, which consist of interconnected processors clumped into what are known as nodes, have become increasingly popular and powerful in recent years of AI research. The US Department of Energy’s Summit, which is supposedly the fastest supercomputer in the US and the second fastest in the world, has supported investigations into topics like unknown proteins. A lot of prominent IT corporations have their own supercomputers that they employ for a variety of purposes. Microsoft and Nvidia, to mention a few, are tech powerhouses.

Meta claims that its experts will be able to “seamlessly examine text, photos, and video together” using the supercomputer, as well as develop new augmented reality capabilities. In addition, it will be utilized to train massive models in natural-language processing and computer vision. With the supercomputer’s completion, the business intends to realize its vision of “creating whole new AI systems” that can eventually execute computationally demanding jobs. Early tests have shown that the supercomputer is capable of training huge language models three times faster than the system currently in use.

World’s Fastest AI Supercomputer : Meta is Building One by Mid 2022

While the corporation was rebranding, we were told that the metaverse was a near-term goal, and while there is still a long way to go, bits of that vision have begun to materialize. 

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